GTech offers dedicated SEO service for restaurants in UK.
Get your website optimised, increase online orders and build online image with SEO, SMM and online marketing.
We know you aspire to grow your restaurant business. And we are here to help you with that.
Your hard work and effort to maintain the quality of your restaurant service is definitely important. It usually draws many locals and creates a loyal customer base.

However, this is not enough for running a very successful restaurant business anymore. More people need to know about your great restaurant and only word of mouth and traditional advertisement methods will not help.
We live in the age of technology. Now people do not keep fliers or look at newspaper reviews to choose a restaurant. They simply use their smart devices and search for the best place to eat nearby. That is why your restaurant needs to appear in search engines.
This is where you need SEO. Search Engine Optimisation is the process of making your business appear among the top results when people search for restaurants of your kind.
And that is why we are here. GTech is here to make sure your business does not fall behind in this new wave of technology.
We offer a dedicated SEO service specialized for restaurants in UK. We offer affordable and efficient SEO service packages. You can choose the one that suits you most and get started.
Our SEO techniques are efficient and sustainable. We start from the scratch, making sure your website is SEO friendly. Then our highly experienced SEO team works tirelessly to make sure that your business is among the top search results.

Restaurant Branding, But Why?
Because you don’t want your consumers to control the image of your business. You want to establish what your consumers will think of your restaurant before they establish the image themselves. Also, brands build trust among your target customers. Now most people seek the help of internet to choose where to dine or where to order a takeaway from.
That’s why online branding is vital!
Remember, you are not just selling food. You’re selling unique dining or takeaway experience. Good online branding will help people realize what your restaurant business stands for and what kind of experience you will provide. This will make it easier for you to reach out to your target population.
Sadly, Seeing is Believing!
We live in a visual world. Here often presentation comes before the content. It is the sad reality in restaurant business too. Back in old days, if you served good food, everyone would come to yours first. Times are different now, there’s a lot of people and there’s a lot more competition. And people don’t have much time. Consumers choose whatever appears trustworthy to their eyes. In other words, regardless of quality, well branded restaurants or takeaways are more likely to succeed more. Just imagine your local competitor, who are just as good as you are in service and quality. Branding will make the difference between you two of you. Of course, once people have a taste of the “well branded” restaurant, they will have an idea about their quality. But if your branding is as good as your quality, there is high chance that your restaurant will have a way better impression, which will take your business to another level!
Communication: A Piece of Cake!
Branding makes future communication with your consumer community way easier. Branding establishes a tone for communication. When you have an established brand, it becomes easier for you to make a lot of passive communication decisions like what kind of music you should play in your restaurant to create the branded environment or how your employees should dress.
Branding Helps You to Grow!
Imagine a restaurant and its branch somewhere else without branding. There is no resemblance between the two restaurants. Themes are different, service are not similar. Will you go there to dine?
Branding comes with other amazing benefits. When you plan growing your business, your established brand makes a lot of things easier for you. If you want to open another branch of your restaurant or takeaway somewhere else, you will not have to worry about the theme of your business or level of expected service.
That’s why online branding is vital!
Remember, you are not just selling food. You’re selling unique dining or takeaway experience. Good online branding will help people realize what your restaurant business stands for and what kind of experience you will provide. This will make it easier for you to reach out to your target population.
Why GTech?
GTech brings you the best search engine optimisation service dedicated particularly to restaurant and takeaway services in UK. Our expert SEO team enhances the familiarity of your restaurant’s website in search engines. This is very vital for restaurant businesses these days.
GTech offers various SEO packages to suit your business and budget. It is easy to choose the best package for you and get started.
On Page SEO: Individual Restaurant Website Optimisation
This is the technical part of SEO service. We will work on your website to make it more search friendly. This will include the basic SEO setup, technical audit and analysis, site structure optimisation and keyword analysis, categorization and mapping.
The terms might sound confusing, but you don’t need to worry about these at all!
GTech team will take care of it thoroughly!
Local SEO: Let Local People Discover You Online!

Your business can grow far beyond your imagination. But you need a solid base first. And for restaurant and takeaways, the solid base is the target customers around your locality. If local people are familiar with your business, they are likely to buy your product and service. However, in your neighborhood, it is very likely to have a high competition. Also, now people use search engines to choose and decide which takeaway or restaurant downstairs they will pick. Hence, you need to have a good appearance in local searches to have a good business now.
GTech Will Take Care of It!
Are you worried now?
Has questions started popping in your head?
Do you think your competitors are more popular than you in your block?
Well, you can stop worrying. You have already started dealing with it if you’re in this page. GTech offers incredible local SEO service. We make efficient Google and Bing local place listing for your restaurant business. We also create incredible restaurant profiles for your business in various websites that promote restaurant business in local areas. GTech takes pride in efficient NAP citation (i.e.: Name, Address and Phone Number) in similar order and format everywhere necessary.
Social Media Marketing: Be Visible in Social Networks!
People spend a lot of time in social media websites now. Your target population is highly likely to notice your business if you promote your business in social media platforms.
Leave The Worries To Us!
Already brainstorming social media post ideas?
And panicking because none of that seems interesting?
Don’t sweat! We are here to sort it out. GTech will aid your business with the Social Media Marketing (SMM) services. We will create profiles for your business in major platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and post contents!
And it doesn’t end here! We will also create profiles of your restaurant in Instagram and Pinterest! And share attractive images to promote your business.
We will create video channel for you in Youtube! With personalized channel art for your restaurant. We will submit videos from the channel too.
Articles, Blogs and More!
Well, you can see how your business becomes more popular when you post contents about in social media. What you probably do not notice is how your restaurant can be popular to search engine if there were articles and blogs written about the restaurant!
Whoa! Stop Worrying!
You don’t have to start blogging now!
We will take care of your blogging and article posting too! We submit general and professional blogs for your restaurant. The well written blogs are sure to attract the attention of search engine and general people surfing the net alike!
Deals, Newsletters and Press Releases!
We also create offer posts and dish posts for your business. Deals and new dishes often attract the attention of keen customers, which is great for your online image as well as actual business. We also post well planned newsletters. The newsletters are designed and written to attract the attention of your target population. We also make press release on your behalf.